Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Calculated Ecological Footprint

If everyone lived like me, we would need 4 planets to support that lifestyle. This was a little surprising to me, but I am excited to take steps towards reducing my footprint.

Ecological Footprint Breakdown

  • Services- 50%
  • Food- 19%
  • Goods- 14%
  • Shelter- 10%
  • Mobility- 8%

In order to reduce my carbon footprint, I will...
  1. Buy more locally grown foods. I will eat at least one meal a day made from local foods.
    • I will visit the farmers market whenever possible.
    • I will look for restaurants that buy local ingredients.
  2. Buy 50% more recycled products, or products with less packaging.
  3. Stop using plastic bags.
    • According to, each person uses an average of 167 plastic bags each year. Each plastic bag can take up to 500 years to decay in a landfill.
    • I will use re-usable bags or paper bags for my everyday purchases.

1 comment:

  1. Chrystal -- these are reasonable goals but you need to be more specific and/or pick goals that you can quantify, e.g., "I will eat at least 3 meals a week using local products."
